Monday, July 8, 2013

Review: Powerless by Matthew Cody

Powerless (Daniel Corrigan, #1)

Title:  Powerless 
Author: Matthew Cody
 Knopf Books for Young Readers
Publishing Date: October 27th 2009
Pages: 277
Genre:  MG Sci-Fi , Superhero, Mystery
Series: Daniel Corrigan #1
Source: Audio


Superheroes soar in this promising debut—and they’re kids!

Twelve-year-old Daniel, the new kid in town, soon learns the truth about his nice—but odd—new friends: one can fly, another can turn invisible, yet another controls electricity. Incredible. The superkids use their powers to secretly do good in the town, but they’re haunted by the fact that the moment they turn thirteen, their abilities will disappear—along with any memory that they ever had them. Is a memory-stealing supervillain sapping their powers?

The answers lie in a long-ago meteor strike, a World War II–era comic book (Fantastic Futures, starring the first superhero, Johnny Noble), the green-flamed Witch Fire, a hidden Shroud cave, and—possibly, unbelievably—“powerless” regular-kid Daniel himself.

Superhero kids meet comic book mystery in this action-filled debut about the true meaning of a hero.

I have been on a superhero kick lately and since I am trying to read and review more MG books, this was a perfect fit. I loved this book. I listened to the audio and the narrator did a wonderful job. The story was unique a bit a of a superhero mystery with a boy who learns a bit about friendship, loyalty, and bravery. 

Daniel and his family move to a new town, a town where all the kids have a secret. Kids in this town seem to develop superpowers sometime during their childhood. The powers come with rules, one being that their powers and their memories disappear when they are thirteen. Desperate to save the kids from losing themselves when they turn thirteen, Daniel and some of the superhero children try to figure out a way for the kids to keep their powers and their memories. Along the way they find betrayal, secrets, and an arch nemesis. Daniel has no powers of his own but it's up to him to save the day and the superheroes.

This was a wonderful and joyful read. It had just about everything I like in my books... mystery, action, strong relationships, and drama. There were a few laugh here and there too. I was under the impression this was going to be a humorous read but it was quite serious but it made the story all the more awesome. 

The writing, the plot, the character building, the pacing... all just right. I think that this is a great read for middle schoolers and even some of the older crowds. I was entertained from beginning to end.. The mystery kept the pages turning for me and the characters kept me entertained. There was a bit of action and it was well written and well thought out. I find myself getting a bit confused with the pictures in my head with action scenes but I didn't with this book. 

I really enjoyed the characters. The main character, Daniel, was  a real treat.  I loved his journey from new kid in a new town to a the normal kid with superhero friends and then ending with the hero of a kid that saved his superhero friends. Daniel wasn't perfect. He made some mistakes and some bad choices but he always had the truest intentions in mind and learned from every one of his mistakes and bad choices. He also made sure to redeem himself in the end. For the most part Daniel was a very selfless, brave, loyal friend and it was very refreshing to see such a normal hero in the story. 

The story was just great. I loved the idea of the normal kids being the hero. I have kind of stated this over and over but it just really made me smile. There were key items that are meant to be in every superhero story... superpowers, the reason the superpowers exist, the fighting and action and of course the arch nemesis. We also have the moral stand point in the story too. Like every superhero story there are the good guys who follow the rules and the bad guys that don't. It was all there with a little extra oomph of Daniel learning to be himself and that being normal was special too. He was the one that all his friends needed and counted on in the end. 

There wasn't really anything I didn't like about the story. The thing I miss the most in MG novels is the romance, this book of course lacked in that. It didn't take away from the wonderful story so it's fine that the romance wasn't there. There wasn't really a place for it but I think that keeps me form rating MG higher than 4 hearts at times. I am a girl after all.

I thought it was awesome and I can't wait to read the next installment. 

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