Friday, July 26, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #75

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blogs:



Once Upon a Coffin

Q: What do you do with your books after you are done reading them?

A:  Many different things. Sometimes I use them for a giveaway, sometimes I give them to my daughter. Many times I have them as an E-ARC- or a library book. The E-ARC stays on my kindle and the library book goes back. Audio books I erase, great books that I consider a re-read I stock on my shelves. Every once in a while I go through my books and take them to the local library for a donation or to a local small used book store.  I think that is about it. I tried to go to Half Price Books once but I didn't get anything worth it out of them, so I gave up. I would rather give them away anyways, it's like giving away joy!


  1. donating to the library is a great idea! i never thought of that (I'm ashamed to admit!)

    trish - my follow friday

  2. Love your answer Jenn! It's perfect! And I do the same things! I buy mostly ebooks and I keep those, but physical books I don't care to read again I'm going to start giving to the library. I don't own many physical copies, but in time as I start accumulating them again, I will pass them on!

    Old Follower

    My FF

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  3. Yes! Giving away joy. I love that. When I really love a book, I want nothing more than to give it to someone who will get the same joy out of it that I did. Awesome!My FF

  4. Hopping through. I've been trying to erase audiobooks but for some reason I have trouble getting them off my audible app. It's frustrating.
    My Hop

  5. Yeah, I find myself wanting to donate them as well! Usually to the library though. Although my senior year of high school they did have a book drive for something and I brought a big ol' box from the grocery store and filled it with books and then brought it in to my teacher! She was very impressed!

    But yeah, I love being able to donate ones that I didn't like to someone or something! Or use them in giveaways! All keepers though go on my shelves!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I honestly need to start donating books again, it's been a few months since I had a clearout. Gorgeous blog, new Bloglovin' and Twitter follower ^^

    Check out my FF here, as well as my second blogaversary giveaway!

  7. I go through my books every so often too, or I think I'd drown in them...

    Lovely blog layout =)

    I'm a new follower via Twitter, Goodreads and Bloglovin'.

    Rinn @ Rinn Reads

  8. My daughter and I read most of the same books, so she borrows majority of them. :) It's great you donate to your library too.

  9. Hello! New follower. I look forward to your future posts!

    eBooks: I archive. I only delete if they are free or if I really disliked them
    Physical: Overflow on my bookshelf, which is unfortunately in my closet. I dream of the day when I can have my own library in my house. Until then, I save my books so that I can create said library ;-)

    On some occasions I will give books to the library or local schools.

  10. I must say I haven't gotten the donate part down pact but maybe one day my book hoarding heart will learn to share.

    Now following you via GFC! I love that header. It's great!

    Here's my F&F answer:
