Friday, May 17, 2013

Feature and Follow #68

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blogs:

Picture Me Reading


Q: What is your favorite summer read?

A:  I don't know if I have a favorite summer read in particular but I have a type of book I love to read in the summer. I love short, sweet, and cute contemporary romances in the summer. Just the adorable romances that make me giggle and smile like a school girl. I don't want the tough issues, the broken characters, just the innocence of new love. I remember summers back when I was a teen and it seemed they were always full of new crushes, lots of flirting, and that hope of a kiss. 

here are some of my favorites... 

Also Known AsThe Summer I Became a NerdThe Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life

The Statistical Probability of Love at First SightThe Future of Us

I am also a fan of the murder mysteries and suspense thrillers for the stormy summer nights! 

The Body Finder (The Body Finder, #1)Deadly Little Secret (Touch, #1)I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, #1)


  1. I feel ya on liking light reading for the summer! I like thick, chunky books but prefer fantasy and like you said, not really the heavy stuff.

  2. Hopping through. The Statistical probability of Love at First Sight! Loved that book.
    My Hop

  3. All great choices. Loved I Hunt Killers.....My FF

  4. Haven't read any of the books you listed, but I really want to read the Body Finder. :)

    Followed with bloglovin'

    My FF

  5. So happy to hop around to other blogs and see what other's summer reads are =D

    I'm a old follower but i look forward to your future posts and future reviews.I hope that I can get tons of recommendations from any reviews you may write and hope i can see you hop around to one of my blogs as well. If it interests you, show your support by following =) With GFC going away soon, i figured i'd follow via email and bloglovin as well!

    Your old follower,Guinevere

  6. Ooh I love The Body Finder series as well! Sad that it might be over! I use to love Laurie's books too! Might have to look into that series again, I read her one that started with Blue is for Nightmares and LOVED each and every book. Of course that means adding yet another set of books to the TBR mountain!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. The Summer I Became a Nerd is a popular book lately. I'll have to check that one out.
    New follower via GFC and BlogLovin'.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. Great choices! New Follower VIA GFC
    Have a great weekend(:

  9. I'll have to check out The Summer I Became a Nerd, sounds good! And I like mysteries too :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post ^_^

    Louise - Nerdette Reviews
