Friday, January 25, 2013

Review: Princess of the Silver Woods by Jessica Day George

Princess of the Silver Woods (Princess, #3)

Title: Princess of the Silver Woods
Author: Jessica Day George
 Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Publishing Date: December 11th 2012
Pages: 336
Genre:  YA Fairytale Retelling
Series: Princess #3
Source: Digital ARC 


When Petunia, the youngest of King Gregor's twelve dancing daughters, is invited to visit an elderly friend in the neighboring country of Westfalin, she welcomes the change of scenery. But in order to reach Westfalin, Petunia must pass through a forest where strange two-legged wolves are rumored to exist. Wolves intent on redistributing the wealth of the noble citizens who have entered their territory. But the bandit-wolves prove more rakishly handsome than truly dangerous, and it's not until Petunia reaches her destination that she realizes the kindly grandmother she has been summoned to visit is really an enemy bent on restoring an age-old curse. The stories of Red Riding Hood and Robin Hood get a twist as Petunia and her many sisters take on bandits, grannies, and the new King Under Stone to end their family curse once and for all.

Finally the time came. I was able to read the last book in this wonderful trilogy. I was not disappointed, I absolutely loved the last book. By far my favorite and I am left with a bit of my heart broken that its over and a very warm feelings because ahh... a happy ending. 

This story is about the youngest of the twelve sisters. She probably thought they would never get to her story! We really never see much of Petunia, she was so itty bitty in the first book. She is now 16 years old and is on her way to a little getaway at the Duchess' house. On the way she has a bit of bad luck and her carriage is robbed, well attempted to be robbed because Petunia is a bit of spitfire. She doesn't put up with bullying, not since King Under Stone. She turns it around and the robbers end up going on their merry way, well that is until Petunia takes a bit of walk in the woods. She runs in to the bandits again... this time she is kidnapped. Oops. Her kidnappers are not the viscous kind and they have a very kind mother who slaps their hands and tells them to take the princess to her rightful place. Before they take her the the Duchess' home, she learns some very interesting truths about these bandits and that is where the story really takes off. 

Just wow. I am really in love with this book. From the very beginning I could not put the book done. Awesome characters. Love the plot mixture of Little Red Riding Hood and Robin Hood. Two great fairytales. I also love the dark and sinister doings in the book. Jessica Day George does a wonderful job of making the unexpected almost expected. 

Petunia is a wonderful character, I am pretty sure she is my favorite. She is a spitfire. She doesn't put up with any stupidness, meanness, or anything else that is not called for. She puts her foot down. Being the youngest of the sisters, I see where the Midnight Balls really messed her over. She was so young when everything happened, but she came out tough! Just like them all. 

 I loved loved loved Oliver. I loved seeing his character develop throughout the book. At first he was  a tough guy who was doing what had to be done to keep the people he cared about safe, fed, and warm. Once Petunia is added into the realm of people he cares about, he is all kinds of mixed up. He knows what the right thing to do is and he struggles with it but in the end, he is a knight in shining armor. 

We do get to see quite a bit of the sisters in this story. More so than the last installment. I love the  sisters are always there for each other. I loved seeing bits of Poppy, Rose, and Lily again. Oh and Galen made his appearance So much yum... in one book. 

Very fast paced read again. Jessica Day George knows how to captivate the audience and keep them hooked til the end. 

So happy its over but I still want more! It ended perfectly and I couldn't have asked for more. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so all about the fairy tale retellings right now! I hadn't heard of this series until this book, but I know I would love it. Great review!
