Sunday, December 16, 2012

12 days of Christmas: Day 5- Callum and Harper by Fisher Amelie

I would like to spotlight a book that has been on my list for a while now that I am hoping to get real soon. Let's call it a tough story with a happy ending. 

On the 4th Day of Christmas I got a happy ending. 

Callum & Harper (Sleepless, #1)Callum  & Harper by Fisher Amelie


Life sucks for orphans Callum Tate and Harper Bailey.

Kicked out of their foster homes because they suffer the 'eighteen disease' with nothing but a hundred dollar check from the government and a pat on the back, they're forced to rely on a system that failed them miserably.

So they sit. They sit inside Social Services, waiting for their social workers to call their names and offer them the miracle they know will never come but they sit anyway because they have nowhere else to go, no other options on their very literal and figurative empty plates.

But as they sit, they notice the other. Although captivated, they each come to the conclusion that life is complicated enough without throwing in a boiling tension that can't ever be acted upon because they're both too busy thinking about where their next meal will come from but when their names are called and both are placed on a year long waiting list for permanent housing, suddenly relying on each other seems like a very viable plan B.

And, oh, how lovely Plan B's can be.

Well, except for the psycho from Harper's past that haunts her and, oh, yeah, there's the little issue that neither of them knows they're in love with the other.

Needless to say, Callum & Harper's life just got a bit more complicated.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I loved this book!!! I loved seeing them bond over their problems! Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. Thanks! I really want to read this.

  3. I've had my eye on this one for a while now! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  4. I've heard great things about this book! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

  5. I think I am going to enjoy getting to know Callum and Harper and following their adventure. Thank you for the lovely giveaway opportunity.

  6. This is the first that I am hearing about this book, but it won't be the last. This sounds like an amazing book, and I love the cover. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  7. I've been wanting to read this one for awhile! Even my not-so-bookish friends have loved it. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

  8. Where has this book been hiding??? It sounds like one I would sit down and devour in one sitting!

    Thanks so much!

  9. I've gotta say I love the cover and the synopsis. Whether I win or not (I'm crossing my fingers for sure) I'm reading this definitely. :)

  10. I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK. Thanks for the giveaways, hun! Happy reading!
