Saturday, October 13, 2012

24 Hour Read-A-Thon Literacy Mini-Challenge

Literacy Mini-Challenge

I really wish that I had some pictures of my children reading. I do somewhere but my pictures are so disorganized. Both of my children ages 15 and 19 now enjoy reading. My daughter,19, loves everything and anything like me, my son, 15, is a bit more picky but once he finds one that he likes, he latches on and reads straight through. 

I have always loved reading and I really have my mother, a avid reader, to thank for this lovely hobby, OK obsession of mine. I remember when I was young, probably around 7-8 years old she signed up for a monthly mailing of books. Sweet Pickles. I loved these books. They were the first books I read on my own. If you have never heard of Sweet Pickles you should find one and read it. There were 26 of them that I know of. A-Z, each with an animal that needs to learn a lesson. I still remember some of my favorites and looked them up to show you. 

Me Too, IguanaYakety Yak Yak Yak 

So when my daughter was about two I signed her up for the Disney monthly mailed book club and when my son was but the same age I signed up for Dr. Seuss. we spent many nights before bed reading their favorites,  first My hubby and I read to them then when they were older they read to us. 

Beauty and the Beast (Disney Princesses) Aladdin  Disney's: The Little Mermaid (Disney's Wonderful World Of Reading)

Ten Apples Up On Top! Fox in Socks Hop on Pop


  1. Oh how I love Dr Suess. I couldn't get enough of him then 1960s and still can't. I love reading him aloud to kids.

    wonderful how you have given your kids the riches of story and words.

    thanx for participating in the Literacy Challenge

  2. Hope you're hanging in there and getting some great reading done! Keep it up!! :) #cheertamales
