Saturday, May 12, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday #12 Wilde's Fire by Krystal Wade

Wilde's Fire (Darkness Falls, #1)
Shelf Candy Saturday is a weekly feature for a favorite cover or covers. 
Shelf Candy Saturday is hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews.

This week my shelf candy is Wilde's Fire by Krystal Wade. 

I love the colors of this cover the bright electric blue really stands out on the black and it gives the book a mystical feeling and the girl in the white dress running in the woods gives the book an eerie feeling. I also like the font and the size of the font, the cover pulled me in from first glance. 

What's your shelf candy?

Series GiveawayReminder of my giveaway for the Death By series by Linda Gerber! 

Come sign up! 


  1. What an awesome and mysterious cover! Wait until Marie sees this one, she will adore it. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. It really looks like its glowing! I love that color blue. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Have a good weekend :)

  3. Hi, Jenn!

    What? A BLUE cover?! I SO love it!!!! Blue covers just send me into a glorious, totally ecstatic place of awesomeness!! This is a stunning cover! (Of course, lol.) The composition is very exciting, too, with the girl dashing off into the woods. And she's GLOWING. I'm going to put this one right onto my TBR bookshelf on Goodreads!!

    Thank you so much for featuring lovely cover!! : )

    1. Um...typo alert! Just mentally put the word "this" before the word "lovely" in the last sentence. Sorry, and thanks! :D

  4. Oooh, so pretty! I really, really love the electric blue surrounding the girl.

  5. The color is definitely what makes this one stand out. And the mystery of it. Nice choice!
