Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Teaser Tuesday #3

 Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two sentences out our current read to peak others' curiosity. 

      Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts Page 114 
This was a kid. Children weren't supposed to go hungry.  Children weren't supposed to know that monsters existed either.

Dark Inside
Earth by Shauna Granger Kindle location 287 

"Rose quartz heart, jasemine oil, pink candles? C'mon aren't we getting a little cliche' here?" Jodi eyed  me skeptically. 
"Hey some things are cliche' for a reason. Besides, Tracey needs true, affectionate love to convince herself there is someone better out there than Nick, otherwise she's never gonna leave him."
Earth (Elemental, #1) 


  1. Each teaser is intriguing in its own way. I hope you are enjoying the books. My teasers are from The Cowboy Takes a Bride by Lori Wilde and Spellcaster by Cara Lynn Shultz. Happy reading!

  2. Great teasers! dark Inside is on my TBR list and I recently got Earth on Amazon a few days ago. Thanks for sharing!

    My TT: http://bibliophilesthoughtsonbooks.blogspot.com/2012/03/teaser-tuesday-15-bitten.html

  3. Oh wow. That first sentence. That first teaser. I want to cry.
