Thursday, February 23, 2012

Follow Friday #6

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkeeand Alison ofAlison Can Read!

Q: Activity!!! Take a picture or describe where you love to read the most…

I don't have one post I like to read I have three. At night I like to read in my bed, during the day on weekends I am in my overstuffed really comfy chair, at work I like to sit outside and read on my lunch.  Don't have a camera at this moment, so no picture, sorry. 

What about you.... 


  1. "Overstuffed really comfy chair" sounds nice!

    Trish - My FF

  2. I like reading outside, especially pool side but that happens like maybe twice a year. ;)

    New follower! Come see my Friday Follow answer as well! Have a great weekend everyone!

  3. I love reading in bed and outside as well.
    I'm an old follower btw!
    Happy Friday

    My FF:

  4. I love reading on my bean bag!

    Old follower! Here's my Follow Friday Post

    Happy weekend!
    -JoAnne @ The Fairytale Nerd

  5. Comfy chair sounds great. I love my bed though.

    Here's my Follow Friday. Stop by if you get a chance.

  6. I like to read in similar places. I am an old follower. Here is my FF: Mom Reads My Books

  7. You sound like me! Depends on the day and what I'm doing. New follower :) Here's my FF:

  8. I love my bed but it always makes me fall asleep lol

    New follower!
    Thanks for visiting Take Me Away...

  9. Following back from The Paperback Princesses. Love your three choices.

  10. Thanks for checking out my FF and following. Following back!

    I love reading in my bed at night when everyone is asleep and I have all the quiet possible.

  11. Great answer!! I had a hard time picking a spot too as I have a few as well!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, you are officially followed back ;)

  12. Oh I like the idea of reading at lunch outside!


  13. I love to read outside! GREAT place...if there's no bugs!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog: The Brunette Librarian :) Happy Weekend and New Follower!

  14. I love to read outside! GREAT place...if there's no bugs!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog: The Brunette Librarian :) Happy Weekend and New Follower!

  15. I also like reading outside... only when it isn't cold LOL I really can't stand low temperatures, but I'm all for it if I can read outside.

    Following you back!
