Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Recent TBR Pile Additions

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

I missed last weeks and so I decided to post last weeks top ten.

My Top Ten Recent (most exciting) Additions to my EVER GROWING TBR 

I Crawl Through ItDrift & DaggerLegacy of Kings (Blood of Gods and Royals, #1)VanishedSophomore Year Is Greek to MeAwakeThis Monstrous ThingA Thousand NightsDreamstriderThe Unquiet

Friday, March 27, 2015

Review: We All Looked Up by by Tommy Wallach

We All Looked UpTitle:  We All Looked Up 
Author: Tommy Wallach
Publisher: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers
Publishing Date:  Match 24th 2014
Pages: 384
Genre: YA Sci-Fi/Apocalyptic
Series: Stand Alone
Source: ARC


Four high school seniors put their hopes, hearts, and humanity on the line as an asteroid hurtles toward Earth in this contemporary novel.

They always say that high school is the best time of your life.

Peter, the star basketball player at his school, is worried “they” might actually be right. Meanwhile Eliza can’t wait to escape Seattle—and her reputation—and perfect-on-paper Anita wonders if admission to Princeton is worth the price of abandoning her real dreams. Andy, for his part, doesn’t understand all the fuss about college and career—the future can wait.

Or can it? Because it turns out the future is hurtling through space with the potential to wipe out life on Earth. As these four seniors—along with the rest of the planet—wait to see what damage an asteroid will cause, they must abandon all thoughts of the future and decide how they’re going to spend what remains of the present.

This was one of most anticipated reads of 2015 and I believe it was one of my wows. I was so excited to receive the ARC and was giddy to start the book. (yes I said giddy) Unfortunately, and I think I am of the few to say this, I was quite disappointed. I'm not sure what I expected out of this book but I know I thought I would be wowed. I was wrong. I liked the concept but I didn't liked how it was executed. I thought most of the book was boring and slow and when it finally picked up, it felt rushed. I didn't feel connected to any of the characters. Honestly I thought I was caught up in a bad dream.  There were a few things I did like but not enough to really enjoy the read. I did finish it but I struggled at times. 

An asteroid is coming, It will hit the planet. Two-thirds of the population is expected to perish. This story is the story about four teenagers and what they do and what those around them do in the remaining 2 months before they are most likely to die. 

I really think this was a great concept. Instead of focusing on after the tragedy strikes let's focus on the anticipation of the tragedy knowing nothing will stop it from happening. Sounds pretty awesome. Unfortunately it came out just boring to me. The entire book wasn't boring but probably 60 percent was. I had a hard time really getting into the story or the lives of these 4 teenagers. It was slow and I couldn't tell where the story was going, well except for the part of the world ending. 

I am not sure what I thought this story would be like but I really did think it would be more exciting. Maybe some epiphanies that led to a world of fun right before you die. Maybe I thought there would be some hard work trying to stop the asteroid. Maybe I thought there would be just more. There wasn't. I can say that this story was probably more true to real life than my thoughts were. Everyone going crazy. I guess that is human nature. 

The first part of the book focuses on the finding out. Four teenagers are still trying to figure things out in their lives than they find out oh my life will contain just a few more months. They thought their lives were tough before, at least they had a future. So what do you do when you find out you and the rest of the world of has couple of months to live. Well party, try to have sex for the first time, cause riots, runaway from home to fulfill your dream. In realty  I guess this is what teenagers think and I am not a teenager. So it was rough for me. 

Once things picked up it was quick and over with and the ending was pretty cool. I did like how it ended. It was tragedy and I was able to see the tragedy start but there was not finish. It seemed real.  There is no happy in the end. I guess there can't be in this situation. There was some resolution for the characters and that was something too. In the end they weren't ready but they were accepting. 

I think really the biggest issue for me. I couldn't connect. It was hard. The chapters were alternating at no particular rhythm between all four teens and I think it was too rapid.. even though the chapters were long I just didn't feel them long enough to get them. This is a real downfall for me. I have to feel the characters. I did like them at times and hate them too but I didn't get them, feel them, understand them. 

Another thing that sort of turned me off, there was a tiny bit of religion bashing, at least that is what I felt reading some parts. That always bothers me. No matter the religion I think it should be respected. I may have read more into than there was meant. Maybe it was more questioning than bashing but I felt very ick about some of the conversations. I don't feel it was enough to really take away from the story, especially for most, but it was enough for me to be bothered. Almost didn't mention but I felt the need.

One more thing I liked, the tone and the feel. They way they book read as a contemporary but really wasn't or maybe it was. I really don't know. The atmosphere of the world ending was definitely there. 

I am glad I read this book. It didn't feel like a waste because it was different, it was interesting in the fact I felt the need to find out what the book was about. My curiosity was satisfied. 

I didn't all around hate it but I didn't fall for it like I wanted to, I struggled. I do think others may like it ( as the ratings do tell ) and should read it if their curiosity is piqued.

Tommy Wallach
Tommy Wallach is a Brooklyn-based writer and musician. His first novel, We All Looked Up, will be published by Simon and Schuster in April 2015. His work has appeared in many nice magazines, such as McSweeney's, Tin House, and Wired. He has released an EP with Decca Records, and will be independently putting out an LP in Spring 2014. He also makes music videos, including one that was exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum. You should buy him dinner.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thoughts on Thursday #4- The Walking Dead and other Zombie stuff!!!!

I am not sure how many Walking Dead fans there are out there but I am pretty sure there has to be a few. This coming up Sunday is the season finale and I can't stop thinking about it. I am an obsessed fanatic and its all that has been on my mind. 

the walking dead animated GIF

So I am super excited, super nervous, and super sad. I can't wait til Sunday. I am really excited for the finale but I am so nervous... who is gonna die. Lots of blood is foretold. I am then very sad because I have to wait until OCTOBER!!!!!! 

crying animated GIF

So many feels right now. I just don't know how to deal. I really feel like going zombie hunting..... 

the walking dead animated GIF

But I can't til Sunday! So anyone else feeling any if this?.

On the topic of zombies... A new zombie show is out right now called IZombie- created by Rob Thomas! YEA.


Totally different kind of show. Funny and light. Murder and mystery. Lots of laughs. I have watched two shows and I am so digging it. 

If you like funny, you like zombies, you like rob thomas... watch this show!

So other zombie stuff...
some zombie goodies I need!

Image result for zombie office suppliesImage result for zombie office suppliesImage result for zombie merchandiseImage result for zombie merchandise

And then there are the good zombie movies....... (at least the ones I liked) 

Image result for shaun of the dead  Image result for zombie movies

Image result for 28 DAYS LATER Image result for WARM BODIES

And zombie books! Ones I loved!

UndeadThis is Not a Test (This is Not a Test #1)Monument 14 (Monument 14, #1)
Rot and Ruin (Benny Imura, #1)Alice in Zombieland (White Rabbit Chronicles, #1)Ashes (Ashes Trilogy, #1)Dark Inside (Dark Inside, #1)My Life as a White Trash Zombie (White Trash Zombie, #1)Dearly, Departed (Gone With the Respiration, #1)Die for Me (Revenants, #1)Reboot (Reboot, #1)

Anyone else have a zombie obsession?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #136

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I Can't wait for:

Finding Audrey
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
June 9th 2015

An anxiety disorder disrupts fourteen-year-old Audrey’s daily life. She has been making slow but steady progress with Dr. Sarah, but when Audrey meets Linus, her brother’s gaming teammate, she is energized. She connects with him. Audrey can talk through her fears with Linus in a way she’s never been able to do with anyone before. As their friendship deepens and her recovery gains momentum, a sweet romantic connection develops, one that helps not just Audrey but also her entire family.

I have never read a book by this author but I see and hear about her adult books everywhere. So I am curious to see what she does with YA.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #125

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

I missed last weeks and so I decided to post last weeks top ten.

My Top Ten Anticipated Spring Reads

A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn, #1)Hold Me Like a Breath (Once Upon a Crime Family, #1)Undertow (Undertow #1)Material GirlsBecoming Jinn (Becoming Jinn, #1)The Walls Around UsI Am Her RevengeThe Wicked Will Rise (Dorothy Must Die, #2)Half Wild (The Half Bad Trilogy, #2)

To join in for this week...

Sad to say I dont have any from my childhood teens years I would like to revisit to say but here were some of my favorite reads.....

And Then There Were NoneThe Dollhouse MurdersChain Letter (Chain Letter #1)WatchersHiroshimaThe YearlingWhere the Red Fern Grows